Over in Skegness, he attended A charity Quiz night held by Artisan Coffee Design, it was a fantastic night that raised over £300 to help Shine support communities across the county. We would like to say a big thank you to Artisan and their staff along with everyone who attended and the businesses who generously donated raffle prizes.
Bert also attended a family fun day at St Marks in Lincoln and had the time of his life getting his face painted, getting a balloon animal and hosting a colouring competition – check out the winning entry in this newsletter!
Finally, Bert heard about Joey, a little boy from Birchwood who sadly lost his mum, who was his only guardian and biggest supporter. He Loves football and is a member of the Birchwood Colts – they all care so much about him and are holding a charity football match to raise money to allow Joey to have the best future possible. You can find more information on this here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/ellen-gray?utm_term=4bq5j6z6V