The Lincolnshire Mental Health Co-production Network
What is the Co-Production Network?
The Lincolnshire Mental Health Co-production Network was established in January 2021 and came out of the Mental Health Transformation Programme. It is a valued and protected space for people to come together to provide their thoughts and feedback to help shape mental health delivery, at both a primary and secondary care level. Our core philosophy is that people with lived experience work in partnership with those that design and deliver services.
It is based on a collaboration between LPFT and Shine to be able to develop a safe space for individuals with lived experience, and is a foundation and support for people. It creates inclusivity by creating safety plans for people who may need them. This prevents them being excluded from groups like this, due to factors such as past offenses, which may have occurred when someone was unwell. It has helped to develop wider partnership working and understanding at a community level of what individual’s mental health and wellbeing needs are.
How do I join the Network?
Our Mental Health Co-Production Network is a great opportunity for you to have a direct influence on the development of new mental health services in Lincolnshire that will benefit you and your community.
The Network is a valued and protected space for people to come together to provide their thoughts and feedback to help shape mental health delivery at both a primary and secondary care level.
The Network includes representatives from Shine Lincolnshire and Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, as well as a friendly group of individuals with lived experience. We meet bimonthly on Microsoft Teams and you will receive training so you can quickly gain the knowledge and skills to settle in.
To find out more contact us at [email protected]or call Shine on 01507 304 548