Peer Support

Peer Support

Shine Lincolnshire work in partnership with Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust (LPFT) to deliver Peer Support across the county. 

Beyond this page, further information about Peer Support Worker’s can be found via this link: About Peer Support Workers (LPFT)

What is a Peer Support Worker (PSW)?

Mental Health (MH) PSW’s give support, companionship and encouragement to people experiencing mental health difficulties. A quality that makes them stand out from other staff is that MH PSW’s draw directly on their own lived experiences of mental health difficulties or caring for someone else who is experiencing such difficulties. They do not replace other roles in mental health services; rather, ‘their skill in using their own experience to work collaboratively with someone facing similar mental health difficulties, is a unique one‘ (The Competence Framework for Mental Health Peer Support Workers, NHS Health Education England (October 2020)).

 A PSW can:

      • Take a relational approach; not give advice or direction, but listen and explore.
      • Help people find their own solutions that work for them.
      • Respect individuals’ rights and self-determination.
      • Respect confidentiality.
      • Support with wellness plans.

How do Peer Support Workers receive their referrals?

Our Peer Support Workers are aligned to their local Integrated Place Based Teams (IPBT), through which all referrals come.

The aim of IPBT’s is to improve the care for people experiencing Severe Mental Illness (SMI) by enabling patients to:

    • Access mental health care where and when they need it, and be able to move through the system easily, so that people who need intensive input receive it in the appropriate place, rather than face being discharged to no support.
    • Manage their condition or move towards individualised recovery on their own terms, surrounded by their families, carers and social networks, and supported in their local community.
    • Contribute to, and be participants in, the communities that sustain them, to whatever extent is comfortable to them.

      This approach includes:

    • Promoting health and wellbeing
    • Promoting and basing interventions on recovery principles
    • Empowering self-care and self-management
    • Enabling individuals to live well in their communities
    • Developing relationships with community partners to inform a range of holistic services which are wrapped around the person
    • Person-centred approaches
    • Ensuring carer’s needs are met and care planning collaboratively.

What areas of the county do the Peer Support Workers cover?

We have Peer Support Workers working across the whole of the county, based across 15 Primary Care Networks* (PCNs) in 12 Integrated Place Based Teams.

You can find out more about your local Peer Support Worker on their page from the buttons below.

Further information about Primary Care Networks can be found via this link Primary Care Networks

How are Peer Support Workers mananged?

Our Peer Support Workers are employed and managed within Shine by our Senior Peer Support Coordinator, Katy Howitt.

“Hi, I’m Katy and I am the Senior Peer Support Coordinator.  My role involves managing our amazing Peer Support Workers to support them to do the fantastic work they do.  Peer Support workers use their own experiences to walk alongside others and support them on their own mental health and wellbeing journeys. 

“I love my role, to see the difference everyone is making is incredible.

In addition to Katy, every Peer Support Worker receives clinical supervision within their IPBT.