Monday 5th December is International Volunteer Day!

Monday 5th December is International Volunteer Day!

Today is World Volunteers Day and having volunteered over the past 2-3 years (including at Shine!), I thought it was ideal to talk about my experiences and their positive impacts.

My first voluntary position was in my third year at university when I held a mental health role, advocating for students’ mental health. I loved it! I was lucky enough to be given free rein and get my creative juices flowing. Over the academic year, I was involved in many awareness campaigns ranging from mental health in BAME communities, and sexual health – I am still proud of the work created to this day! Volunteering led me to meet some fantastic people (albeit virtually), and I’m still friends with them now! I could go on and on about how much I loved this role, it improved my confidence, social skills, time management and creativity. It was also a welcome break from completing my degree and added something extra to my life.

If it wasn’t for this role, I wouldn’t have got the voluntary position here at Shine! Working with Shine on a voluntary basis has been rewarding! I’ve learned so much about community projects and their value to the people in Lincolnshire. It has also added variation to my life and allowed me to give something back.

Being able to give your time to help others is super rewarding, improves confidence and social skills, and, overall, is a fantastic way to spend your spare time!

 – Megan


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