Suicide Prevention Innovation

Suicide Prevention Innovation

Suicide Prevention Innovation

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Suicide Prevention Innovation

The Suicide Prevention Investment Fund

October 2020 saw the publication of Lincolnshire County Council’s suicide prevention strategy. This has been developed on a multi-agency basis and co-produced alongside people with lived experience to reach out and save lives.

The vision is to recognise and support the aim that Lincolnshire is a place where suicide is not considered as an option and people will continue to have hope.

Suicide Prevention Investment Funding was secured from NHS England and Shine Lincolnshire launched the Wave One Investment Programme for Suicide Prevention across the County, with a focus on men at risk of suicide aged 25 to 59. The Investment Programme was £130,000 aimed at community organisation’s who work directly with men in supporting mental health, to apply for grants up to £10,000 to support and strengthen their organisations and their offer to men at risk of suicide.

Following on from the success of Wave One of the funding, Wave Two of the Suicide Prevention Programme as launched with a further £130,000 investment. This Programme is not age or gender specific and had a focus on supporting people 18+ and being innovative and creative with ideas and developments that promote healthy lifestyles, reduces self-harm, suicides, and raises awareness. The fund saw 25 applications with 12 successful projects being awarded funding.

In autumn of 2022, Wave Three of the fund launched with a further £120,000 available across the county. Again this programme was not age or gender specific and has a focus on supporting people 18+ and being innovative and creative with ideas and developments that promote healthy lifestyles, reduces self-harm, suicides, and raises awareness. The fund saw 37 applications with 9 successful projects being awarded funding.

At the end of 2023, Wave four of the Suicide Prevention Investment Fund opened for applications, in the coming weeks, we will be announcing the successful projects through this funding stream. 

The Suicide Prevention Investment Fund Evaluations