Sponsor Shine Lincolnshire to climb the 3 Peaks!

Shine Lincolnshire are climbing the 3 Peaks!

On 30th September, Shine Lincolnshire will climb the Yorkshire 3 Peaks in under 12 hours to raise money for the county-wide mental health and wellbeing charity. Shine hope to raise £3,000 to aid their mission to create, connect, and deliver services that are accessible to all, therefore supporting personal choice and enabling everyone to have a life of value.

Hear our Senior Support & Engagement Coordinator, Jo’s reason for taking on the challenge here.

The Yorkshire 3 Peaks is 24.5 miles and 1,500m of ascent – that means climbing higher than Ben Nevis across a distance just short of a marathon in under 12 hours. It will be a test of physical and mental endurance. CEO of Shine Lincolnshire, Rachel Wright, says: “I am immensely proud of the Shine Lincolnshire team taking on this challenge, and so grateful to the communities we live and work in for their continued support. We are still some way from our target fundraising amount, but I am confident in the camaraderie of our county and our Shine Lincolnshire team”.

Not only is the aim to raise funds for the charity, but it promotes the benefits of walking for mental and physical health too. Dawn, Shine Peer Support Worker in Grantham who is taking on the challenge said, “it is a personal challenge but being in the outdoors has huge benefits, mental and physical”. Everyone taking part has personal and shared goals, like Jo, Shine’s Senior Support and Engagement Coordinator, who explains, “the Yorkshire 3 Peaks challenge has given me permission to do something for me and to prove I am capable of doing more”. Paul, Shine’s Community Engagement Coordinator for the West, has already been training in the Peaks and says he is pleased to “have a team alongside me that I can give and receive support with”.

A total of 10 staff and volunteers will complete the challenge and you can visit their fundraising page online at www.justgiving.com/campaign/shine-3-peaks