Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

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Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4

World Suicide Prevention Day 2024

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind – NW Counselling Hub

World Suicide Prevention Day (10th September) is a communication based event from the International Association of Suicide Prevention, aimed at reaching national organisations, governments and the general public, giving a singular message that suicide can be prevented. Here we showcase one of the Shine Managed Suicide Prevention Fund Wave 4 projects from NW Counselling Hub.

Healthy Body, Healthy mind was created by NW Counselling Hub and Central Wellness with the intention of combining gentle, accessible exercise which incorporates breathing techniques, mindfulness and presenteeism, with the space for like-minded people who have experienced similar feelings and events to speak about their experiences and difficulties in a judgement-free, comfortable and safe environment. The yoga is facilitated by a Central Wellness Yoga Instructor, John, who has a wealth of experience and training. The group therapy session following the yoga is facilitated by an NW Counselling Hub counsellor who has valuable experience working in group settings, and working with people who have a range of experiences and issues.

Both facilitators have completed Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, and are able to deal with a multitude of scenarios and issues presented within the sessions.

Heathy Body, Healthy Mind consists of a programme of 6 sessions, on consecutive weeks, on a Monday evening from 4:30pm – 6:45pm. This involves 1 hour of yoga, which can be made fully accessible by the instructor for those who may not have full mobility or physical fitness. However these people will not feel singled out by John – he will ensure that the class is modified to ensure that everyone is included, and not singled out.

Then follows a 15 minute break for refreshments and a rest, before 1 hour of group talking therapy, facilitate by Amy.

Amy is an experienced counsellor on a one to one and group therapy basis. This time allows attendees to talk about – or listen to – anything that attendees feel comfortable in discussing. This may be reasons for joining the group, personal struggles that they are facing, or difficulties that they have overcome.

The intention of the group is that attendees are people who have been affected by Mental Health difficulties and/or suicide. Whether this is through their own struggles, or through someone they know, such as friends or family. Because we know that so many people can be affected by suicide in so many different ways.

The group is funded by the Shine managed Suicide Prevention Fund, which allows us to pay for the staff and the space for the group to be facilitated. It also pays for specialist training, for the facilitators to be able to deal with people who have been affected by suicide, as well as some refreshments and equipment for the attendees to feel safe and comfortable. The funding has also allowed us to create marketing and promotional materials for the project, to be able to reach as many beneficiaries as possible, and the referrals have come from a wide range of partner organisations and individuals.

We ask the attendees to give us feedback on the group, so that we know what is working well, what we may be able to consider to improve, and the benefits that attendees are gaining from the group. One attendee said: “I came to Healthy Body, Healthy Mind because I needed some support. I needed to relax, and have some self-care time for myself and to meet new people. I found that the yoga and group talking time has improved my self confidence hugely. I have gained some much self esteem and been able to take care of myself for the first time in a long time. Thank you, Amy and John. I feel really supported and I can now look forward to continuing my journey”.

Our NWCH counsellor, Amy, said “I had never really done yoga before, but I get involved with the yoga aspect of Healthy Body Healthy Mind, as well as facilitating the group talking session, because it means that I can embed myself within the group, and really get to know them so that I can help them as much as possible in the group talking session. I have really been noticing the physical and mental benefits of the yoga, and I really enjoy it.”

“In terms of the group, it is lovely to see the groups talking amongst themselves, form relationships with one another and gain the benefits that the group intends to bring. Many of the attendees mention that they are experiencing loneliness and it is clear to see that the bonds they are forming outside the group are meaningful. The environment is warm and non-judgemental. It always feels friendly and has no pressure for anyone to feel as if they have to speak about certain things. I have gained so much more from the group that I ever thought I would, and I think the attendees have too”.

Useful information

  • For more information about ‘Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, email [email protected] or call 01522 253809.
  • Find out about other projects for health and wellbeing support that are in receipt of Community Investment Funds managed by Shine Lincolnshire here
  • To join one of our Suicide First Aid or other training courses visit the booking page here
  • Find information on the September 2024 launch of a £75,000 Fund to Support Suicide Prevention Initiatives in Lincolnshire here
  • For further support and helplines please see our support pages for adults and children and young people