Shine have been working with grassroots and VCSFE organisations for over 10 years. For the past 4 years our teams have been directly supporting a host of such initiatives, enabling them to grow sustainably and fulfil the health and wellbeing needs of their communities. So, we know how hard it can be out there. From establishing an idea and setting up in the third sector to identifying and applying for funding and meeting the legal frameworks, doing something good can become an overwhelming process.
Therefore, whether you’re an established organisation or are looking to start up your first community-based project this page is here to give you the latest information, guidance, and networking opportunities you’ll need along the way. And, alongside this our list of upcoming community funding opportunities will be available within the website.
We’re currently pulling all of this information together, so in the meantime, if you have a question you want answering or something you think would be useful to know please email [email protected] and we can include the answers here.